Saturday 13 December 2014

Session Five: How would you Classify Fictional Media Violence (FMV)

Future of Regulation in UK?

-The potential for increased censorship in the gaming industry especially with the concept for 360degree gaming.

-The increased censorship of Videos on Demand , with consideration to the recent changes in regulation to censorship of the porn videos, but also the fact that this legislation impacts all Videos on Demand not just pornographic videos.

BBfc 2014 Classification

The main consideration is that moral harm can be caused by the film, TV and games that are being created. Raises the question are you harmed?

Geographical differences in Censorship

Regulations are differed in different countries. Based upon impact of media on culture and cultural beliefs.

The UK is rather strict and getting stricter moving to censorship of Videos on Demand (VOD)

When 12a was introduced in 2002 it impacted on the films available to young teenagers in the cinema but not with home ratings.

There is a lot more concern with influence on media and the home, than media and the Cinema in the UK (this is the reverse in Australia)

Economics are also a part of regulation and can hold as much weight as moral values, as if there is only a small fraction of a film that causes it to be rated 15 instead of a 12 then there will be a smaller audience, therefore it is more economic to remove that section in order for the film to be seen by more people and therefore make more money.

Who sets the regulations?

In the UK it’s the BBfc  they create the regulations based on:

-Consumer research
-Own beliefs (based on commissioned research)
-Legislation (the law)

Is that fair/right?
Does the power lie in the correct hands?

Downloading and streaming certain videos can leave you liable to prosecution, (even though some of these things have become normalised)

It is now the case where torrent sites are being tracked.
Digital devices are scanning through what you watch and search.
But personal boundaries place a debate on this as one person may be okay with one type of censorship but not with another.

There is also the fact that legislation changes from day to day.

Regulations in social media, are there to control what people say to prevent panicked situations, as tone can not be added to things like tweets.

There is said to be call for more control over videos and digital files in regard to things like paedophiles to prevent them from accessing child pornography. However these regulations would extend to all video and digital files.
This could mean that copyright infringement can become more specified.

Cycle- Eb and Flow of power and control

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