Tuesday 18 November 2014

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Airport Massacre

When I first started playing Call of Duty, I spent most of my game playing time on the Multiplayer section of the game, which enabled me to talk to my friends whilst shooting randomly assigned enemies.

But several of my friends recommended that I try the Campaign part as well, this I started to do when playing Modern Warfare 2. And all the playing was fine until a section came up that gave me the option to skip it due to graphic scenes of violence, I believed that the violence could be no worse than the rest of the game and so opted not to skip. I did not realise that this particular aspect involves your avatar/ character, entering an airport and shooting civilians with no form of weaponry with fully loaded machine guns. Call of Duty normally in the respect of shooting fictional characters has no reactions from me, it is a game, no more. But for this particular part it had the worst affect on me. I ended up not continuing on the campaign, that did not stop me from playing Multiplayer. But I do find it curious that playing as a soldier and shooting soldiers does not bother me, if anything the more fictional soldiers I kill the higher I rank. But shooting fictional civilians is where I draw the line, this is not a way to dig at the companies that make the Call of Duty games, as I continue to play them now and will continue to play them as I think they are very well constructed games. It is more that for the entire time I have played these games that was the thing that I struggle to watch and play.

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