Wednesday 26 November 2014

What is Fictional Media Violence? Lecture Notes 12/11/2014

Defining Fictional Media Violence 

Base Definitions 

1. What is Fictional Media Violence?
Violence that is choreographed in a fictitious world. 

2. How does it differ from real violence?
It is created to look real in the world that it is embedded in. 

3. What is mediated real violence?
e.g. Documentary footage of a fight is mediated but still not real violence. 

4. Do these categories Overlap?

What is Fictional Media Violence?

How does FMV effect audiences?

Does FMV create the sense that we shouldn't be watching due to links with violence in the real world? 

-A case that is strong for this particular point in my opinion would be the film Man Bites Dog, which is a student film, that is shot in a way to replicate a documentary, which depicts a man who professionally kills people, for the thrill of it. That I think creates some of the biggest possible scenarios where it questions whether or not you should watch the events that are filmed. 

-Over exaggerated violence, that creates a scenario that clearly is fake is not necessarily as questionable. 

- Strong Violence- has an impact upon the narrative 

-Weak Violence- violence that has no impact on the narrative. 

Violence: Oxford English Dictionary 

"1. Behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something."
"2. Strength of emotion or of a destructive natural force."

-Subjective Violence, person on person violence.
-Ignores objective violence- real violence is the causes of the definition. Fail to look at the context that lead to those actions, e.g. events that lead to the London Riots. 

Most media representations work more in the realms of subjective violence. 

Mediated Real Violence 

-Real Violence Mediated through media institutions and their production processes e.g. TV and Newspaper reports which form a distinct media text from actual events. Texts designed to inform, educate and entertain and can sell brands/ products, e.g. Ebola Documentary: real incident, real world but invited to see it in a particular setting. 

- Real Violence thats been recorded/ documented and remediated via the web and social media. 
e.g. Combat images/ video, Execution video/ images/ CCTV.
These are designed to inform, educate and entertain, and are becoming more common. 

Fictional Media Violence 

- 'Fictional' representations of violence that have been created by media producers/ institutions.
- Texts operate across platforms and employ formal/thematic codes. 
-Texts are designed as entertainments and are marketed and often sold to audiences. 

Narrow and Broad Definitions of Media Violence (Potter 1999) (Method: Textual Analysis) 

Narrow Definition 
Serious Physical assaults 
Beating, stabbing, mutilation, Murder 

Broad Definition 
Threatening Behaviour 
Antisocial Behaviour 
Swearing, threatening 
Agression, Intimidation

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